D2 Grant and Scholarship Program

The Michael S. Goldenberg Grant Program

The NATA District 2 Grant Program has been established to assist NATA Certified members who have programs that are in need to purchase equipment, supplies, etc for their athletic training facility at either the secondary school or collegiate setting.  The recipient will be awarded up to a $2500.00 grant that will be presented at the NATA Clinical Symposium and AT Expo during the District 2 Membership Meeting.


1. Requesting Athletic Trainer must be a District 2 Certified Regular Member in good standing, whose primary NATA address is located within the district.
2. Individual must also possess: a. Properly maintained BOC credential, b.Properly maintained State or Commonwealth licensure.
3. Must show a need and documentation to support this purchase. 

All applications can be accessed here (D2 members only)

Past Recipients

Brian Straub
Hanover Public School District, PA

Jeff Sage
Daemen University, NY

Brenda Dailey
Salem Christian Bible School, PA

Robert O’Malley
SUNY – Cortland, NY

Lisa Anderson
UPMC Sports Medicine, PA

John Ostrowski
Nazareth Area High School, PA

Lauren Stephenson
SUNY Oneonta, NY

Robert O’Malley         
Cortland State University, NY

Aimee Brunelle       
S.Colonie Central High School, NY

Mary Kathryn Schikel               
Washington & Jefferson College, PA

Tiffany Reichman-Weiskotten
Jamesville-DeWitt HS, NY

Meghan Chura
Liverpool High School, NY

Cleon Clayton
Silver Creek Central School District, NY

Christi Lee
Rosemont College, PA

Brandon Sonson
Wesley College, DE 

Bridgette Saba
Community Academy of Philadelphia, PA

The "Pay it Forward" Ethnic Diversity Grant

*Applications for this program are accepted every two years

The concept of “Pay it Forward” or “Paying it Forward” is derived from a 1951 Robert A. Heinlen novel. Wikipedia defines this concept as “repaying the good deeds one has received by doing good things for other unrelated people.”

To provide membership incentive grants for ethnically diverse young professionals who enter employment and subsequently remain within the NATA District 2 service area. This grant is also designed to identify a pool of ethnically diverse professionals who, in the future, could assume leadership roles and responsibilities within District 2 and the NATA.

Number of Grants:              
Two grants with the grant lasting for 2 concurrent years. Each winner will have their NATA dues paid for by the district. If a recipient moves out of District 2 and/or ceases employment without regaining employment within District 2, the recipient forfeits any successive year’s grant.

Application Deadline:   
All required documents are due by April 1st. 


1. Be a recent graduate (within a 1.5 calendar years) of an undergraduate or graduate program
2. Be ethnically diverse as identified by the current NATA demographic data/studies
3. Have graduated with a GPA of 3.0 or greater and passed the BOC exam
4. Be a current NATA member within District 2
5. Be willing to seek involvement within the association’s committees at state, district, or national level
6. Be willing to be mentored for leadership roles
7. Submit two letters of support, via e-mail, which address applicants leadership potential.
8. Submit an essay indicating how this grant will benefit you as well as District 2. The essay should be no greater than 500 words.
9. Application must be submitted online by the April 1st deadline
10. Include a certified copy of your final college/university transcript

All applications can be accessed here (D2 members only)

Past Recipients

Aaron Jackson (PA)

Joshua Honrado (NJ)
Jasmin Lalin (PA)

Kim Garcia (NY)
Tiffany Yam (NJ)

Dianneliz Garcia-Gonzalez (DE)
Johnny Rodriguez (NJ)

Nadine Brooks (NY)
LaTonja Lee (NY)

Melanee Johnson (NJ)

The James Thornton Leadership Scholarship

The District Two James Thornton Leadership Scholarship was established to recognize a deserving athletic training student with exceptional leadership skills and service to the profession.  This scholarship honors James L. Thornton the 14th NATA District Two Director and the 12th President of the NATA.

The recipient will be awarded a $2500.00 scholarship that will be presented during the District Two Business Meeting at the NATA Clinical Symposia and AT Expo in June.


Applicant must:

1. Be a District Two Member in good standing, whose primary NATA address is located within the district. The recipient must also be a NATA member in good standing when accepting the award in June.
2. Have an NPI number
3. Be enrolled in a CAATE approved graduate or undergraduate program or pursuing graduate degree in the profession the following year.
4. Have a minimum GPA of 3.0 or higher on a 4.00 scale
5. Be involved in local, state, district, or national athletic training activities.
6. Provide two letters of Recommendation: A) One from an Athletic Training Preceptor, B) One from an Athletic Trainer addressing the applicant’s outstanding involvement in the profession.
7. Intend to pursue the profession of athletic training as a career.
8. No more than a 500 word Essay on how your leadership roles have prepared you for life after graduation.

Application Requirements

1. Completed Application
2. Resume
3. Two letters of recommendation noted above
4. Complete essay
5. Completed applications must be received electronically by 11:59pm EST March 1st.

Application should be submitted online.

The winner will be contacted after the District Two Executive Council’s March meeting.

All applications can be accessed here (D2 members only)

Past Recipients

Adriana Zieba Rosa
Stony Brook University, NY

Sarah Phillip
West Chester University, PA

Justeen Gordon
University of Delaware, DE

Abigail Verbeke
West Chester University, PA

Maddison Miller    
West Chester University, PA

Michael DeGaetano      
West Chester University, PA

Katelyn Dolan
Ithaca College, NY

Jillian Sarm 
West Chester University, PA

The Tanya Dargusch Leadership in Community Service Scholarship

The District Two Tanya Dargusch Leadership in Community Service Scholarship was established to recognize a deserving athletic training student with exceptional leadership skills and service to his/her community. Equally important, the student shall provide outstanding involvement in the profession. It honors Tanya Dargusch who has shown exceptional leadership in her community as well as being the first female to serve on the NATA D2 Executive Council as its secretary.

The recipient will be awarded a $2500.00 scholarship that will be presented during the District Two Business Meeting held at NATA Annual Symposia and AT Expo in June.


1. Nominee must be a District Two Member whose primary NATA address is located within the district.
2. Nominee must be in good standing when both submitting the application and accepting the scholarship.
3. Nominee must be an athletic training student enrolled in a CAATE approved graduate or undergraduate program the following year.
4. Nominee must hold a GPA of 3.0 or higher on a 4.00 scale
5. Nominee must list community leadership qualities.
6. Nominee must be involved in local, state, district, or national athletic training activities.
7. Nominee must demonstrate leadership activities and involvement in community service.
8. Supervising athletic training preceptor’s evaluation and letter of recommendation addressing the nominee’s outstanding involvement in the profession.
9. Nominee’s letter of recommendation from a community service leader directly supervising the nominee and addressing his/her leadership qualities and involvement in their community.
10. Nominee’s intention to pursue the profession of athletic training as a career.

Application Requirements

1. Nominee must submit an application; resume’, a completed recommendation form by their athletic training preceptor who must be a member of District Two as well as a letter of recommendation by their supervising community service leader. The supervising community service leader may not be their supervising athletic trainer.
2. Nominee must include an official college/university transcript.
3. The athletic training preceptor may only nominate one student per calendar year.
4.  The completed application and all accompanying materials must be received electronically by 11:59 pm March 1st. 

The winner will be contacted after the District Two Executive Council’s March meeting.

All applications can be accessed here (D2 members only)

Past Recipients

Keely Arndt
East Stroudsburg University, PA

Amelia Gilch
West Chester University

Emily Strama 
University of Pittsburgh, PA

Deanna Laubach
West Chester University, PA

Lauren Betts
University of Pittsburgh, PA

Maddison Miller
West Chester University, PA

Kelly St. John
West Chester University, PA

Kaitlyn Gustafson
Daemon College, NY

Nahmir Hack
Temple University, PA

Angelica Nunez 
California University of Pennsylvania, PA

Steven Davi
Kings College, PA

The District 2 Innovation and Entrepreneurship Grant

The NATA District 2 Executive Board approved the creation of a grant to support innovation and entrepreneurship efforts among the membership.  As the athletic training profession continues to grow, so does the mindset that ATs can do more than just work in the clinical setting.  Now, more than ever, ATs are becoming entrepreneurs, business owners, inventors and innovators.  The problem is, most ATs have received little or no education in business management, product development, financial modeling, or investment funding.

This grant will provide up to $5,000 in funding each fiscal year, as well as mentorship assistance from the Grant Committee for one year following the award.  Funds may only be used for development of the business or product.  Funds may not be used as compensation.

Applicant must:
1. Be a District Two Member in good standing, whose primary NATA address is located within the district. The recipient must also be a NATA member in good standing when accepting the award in June.
2. Have an NPI number
3. Must have a passion to pursue starting a business or creating a product that will better serve the members of the profession and the patients they serve would be eligible to apply.

Application Requirements
1. Applicants must submit an online application and include a detailed prospectus of their project, including description, timeline, and budget.

1. August 1: Request for applications
2. October 15th:  Deadline for submitting applications
3. Review of applications
4. Three finalists are selected to present to the committee at EATA.
5. January (EATA):  Finalists present in front of committee at EATA.  The committee chooses a winner, who will be announced at D2 meeting.

All applications can be accessed here (D2 members only)

Past Recipients


To see more information on other D2 Awards, click on the tab heading.  To navigate to the other sections, please click within the body of a tab below.

Click here to see those members have received national awards from the National Athletic Trainers' Association. The district would like to thank these men and women for all they have done to move the athletic training profession forward.

If there are any names missing from the lists, please contact the webmaster at webmaster@natad2.org

Includes the following:

  • NATA Hall of Fame
  • Bill Chisholm Award
  • Bud Miller Distinguished Educator Award
  • Fellows - NATA
  • Gail Weldon Award
  • Gatorade Secondary School Award
  • Jack Weakley President's Award
  • Most Distinguished Athletic Trainer's Award
  • Service Award
  • Tim Kerin Award
  • YPC National Distinction Award

Click here to see the section containing information about our District 2 awards program. Past recipients are also listed for each award.

For more information, please contact the District 2 Director at director@natad2.org

Includes the following:

  • D2 Young Professional Distinction Award
  • NATA Bobby Gunn Leadership Award

Click here to see the section containing information about our District 2 grant and scholarship programs. Past recipients are also listed for each program.

For more information, please contact the District 2 Director at director@natad2.org

Includes the following:

  • Michael S. Goldenberg Grant
  • "Pay It Forward" Ethnic Diversity Grant
  • James Thornton Leadership Scholarship
  • Tanya Dargusch Leadership in Community Service Scholarship
  • D2 Innovation & Entrepreneurship Grant

Applications for the District 2 Dargusch Scholarship, Goldenberg Grant, Thornton Scholarship, and Bobby Gunn Award are now open until March 1, at 11:59p.

Applications for the Pay It Forward Grant are now open until April 1, at 11:59p.

For more information, please contact the District 2 Director at director@natad2.org

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